One day Obama flew in through my window. When he did my room started to turn into a madhouse of craziness. I paid no attention to the absolutely indescribable madness going on, but it involved a clown, a dildo, a 77-year old man shitting on Evil Patrixx's face, handicapped people doing erotic aerobics, and twelve-year olds being forced to eat a decaying rat carcass. I just went to bed and had a wet dream of me getting to fuck Rosie O'Donnel. After that I woke up and went to the bathroom to take a shit. Then the Death Trumpet busted the door down, and started to fuck me in the butt. Then after that Spongebob came out of nowhere and bit my dick off. I cried like a little baby and shat myself. When I woke up I went outside and shouted, "Fuck you Obama, I'm gonna kill your ass!" Then the FBI shoot me, but it didn't kill me. Then SlenderMan dragged me into his henti video, and I was fucked by many hard tentacles for all eternity. It's not that bad, I get to see hot naked anime chicks all the time.
The End, go on with your pointless and worthless life. OK? Thanks...